Saturday, 29 September 2018

Vaspilia: The Events Begin

After having a taste of regular events happening in the second BioWolf world, I've decided to make an adjustment to how frequently events will happen in Vaspilia. Instead of one event every time a new queen is crowned, there will be an event every time the current queen reaches an hour milestone. New queens will still have their reign introduced by an event, but the effects of their event will be doubled. For example, with the 'Infestation' event, usually only one stinger hive would be introduced. But if that event were rolled for a coronation, two stinger hives would be introduced. In addition, the 'Migration' event is now reserved only for new queen events. Having to move metarooms every hour or so would be more trouble than it would be worth! With all that said, when I loaded the world, Altaica was exactly one hour old. So, that means it's time for an event!

Thursday, 27 September 2018

BioWolf 2: Second Attempt

In an attempt to breed some new colour mutations, or any kind of cool norn really, I've remade one of my more successful wolfling runs. It didn't have the most creative name; it was in the Biodome, and it was a wolfling run, so I called it BioWolf. This edition possibly has a less creative name: BioWolf 2. But hey, it works.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Vaspilia: Enter the Heiresses

Hello! This is another post about the Vaspilia world, which hopefully experiences no production issues like the first post did. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Vaspilia: Random Event Matriarch Run

Okay, unfortunately I somehow managed to completely wipe the first version of this post that I wrote, so this is probably going to be quick and to the point. Seskorix is a fun world, but I really can't spend too long in it at once. So, to celebrate the one year anniversary of Norn Tree, which is today, I'm starting a new matriarch run as an echo to one of the first worlds I documented here. I've made a few modifications to the rules since last time, so hopefully things are more interesting this time around. This time, elements of a random event run will be incorporated! Also, you might have noticed that I've added an about page and a downloads page. Its about time I added those, to be honest.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Seskorix: Moving On

There is now a third generation norn in every group, so it is time for the first gens to go. This also means it is time for an evaluation!

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Seskorix: Mutation Station

Oh would you look at that, it's another post. Had a few interesting mutations pop up, hope you found them as interesting as I did!

Friday, 14 September 2018

Seskorix: A Population Experiment

Sorry about being away for so long; my school life was getting in the way a little there. Fortunately, I graduate in a few weeks! I'll still have a few tests here and there, but for the most part I will be able to be much more active. I hope to be churning out that Creatures content for your enjoyment on a somewhat regular basis from here on in.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Back to C1

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted, I've had a lot going on. None of my C3/DS worlds have really been holding my interest lately, so it's time to pay attention to the C1 world again!

Friday, 20 April 2018

Rasmarvis: Fresh Start

Okay, so I managed to get everyone out of the original world, except for the grendels, who hadn't been doing much of anything anyway. After some world prep, the group is ready to try this again! Pigeon Feather heads straight for the training area, and I'll have to remove him once Dapple Pelt hits adolescence.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Rasmarvis: Irreparable Damage

It's been a while since I last played a Docking Station world, so it should be nice to revisit Rasmarvis! Out of the two young norns in the nursery, Dapple Pelt will be the first to begin her training. Also, I seem to have forgotten to educate the two. Whoops.

Thursday, 12 April 2018


Sorry I took a while to make another post! I've been a bit busy lately, but I should have more time to post now! First thing I did this session was to put Lanque and Asma in the computer room together, as they are the only two I can't prove have had children. They kisspop, but with no result.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Spreading Out

Echo's pregnancy went smoothly, and she is now the proud mother of this egg which will be floated in the ocean as soon as it is big enough!

Saturday, 31 March 2018

Time For Eggs

When I booted up Creatures 1 again, I found that Echo was on about 60% lifeforce, so she could use a meal. Only problem is, she's too busy kissing Lanque to want to eat, and it looks like he's a little hungry himself. Either that, or he caught on to me telling Echo to 'push food' and went "Hey, I'm food ;)" in an attempt to flirt with the other Banana norn. I'm on to you, Lanque.

Friday, 30 March 2018

The Whole Group's Here

Just at the end of the last post, a little Banana norn named Lanque was hatched. He flies through his initial learning stage, and on his way to learn about weeds and herbs he meets his fellow Banana norn Asma!

Thursday, 29 March 2018

More Friends For Tarli

Before I can hatch out some more norns for the world, I have to move Tarli. Unfortunately, she has other ideas, including falling asleep in the elevator.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Rasmarvis: A Bit of Everything

I've done a bit of thinking, and sending a norn who's only just hit the youth stage to fight a fully grown grendel that has been that way for a while isn't particularly fair, especially considering the goal of the initiation is to find norns that are actually willing to fight grendels. So, I have decided that I will hatch a new grendel for each youth. If the norn loses, the grendel stays, and the stakes are raised for everyone else. Hopefully, they stand a better chance against a grendel who hasn't had as much of a chance to learn their instincts.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Keahiri: Goodbye Skywings

Got my mouse back, so I can go back to my more high-maintencance worlds now! I haven't visited Keahiri for quite a while, so I think it's time for another go of that.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Astralis: Disaster Disease

As I don't currently have a mouse, the worlds involving picking up and moving norns frequently are not places I want to go right now, but I'm still in the mood for some blogging. This means it's time for some Astralis!

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Rasmarvis: Glitch Adventure

Something interesting happened. I injected the Lost Cave as a new nursery room, only for Buzzard Stripe to get on the elevator which never stopped going up, carrying him off screen. He just... disappeared. Unfortunately, I misread something and accidentally saved the game without quitting instead of quitting the game without saving. He's gone now. Sorry, Lightning Strike. I couldn't save your kid. She tried to call the elevator back to retrieve her son, but to no avail. It belongs in the void now. Because I see no possible way to get Buzzard Stripe back from the abyss, I'm sending her back to the main population. Better luck next time? I probably should've used elevines.

Monday, 5 March 2018

An Attempt at Playing C1

Wanna watch me be terrible at playing C1? Well here you go. Expect stupidity on my part, because I have never had a single clue as to what I'm doing when it comes to C1. I've got honey pots and the ball on standby for teaching duty, so that's gotta be something! I'm probably going to disable the grendel egg layer, purely because I can never keep up with the grendel.

Friday, 2 March 2018

Rasmarvis: First Blood

Where we left off, Lightning Strike was looking to be the most formidable norn this generation. She hasn't changed: she still voluntarily hits the grendel dummy until she tires herself out whenever she's in the area. Pale Flower isn't entirely sure on how to feel about her friend's habits.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Rasmarvis: Pack Run

I've been rolling a world concept around in my head for a while now, but I only just got around to putting it in action. For ages I've wanted norns that can actually defend themselves against the Jungle grendels of Creatures 3, because every single time I've had a wolfling run with grendels as an obstacle, the grendels parked themselves right in the middle of the norn terrarium, turning the once highly populated region into a ghost town because the norns were simply too stupid to fight back or even run away. This world won't produce a lot of norns who can do that straight away, but the rules of the world should favor those who are more inclined to defend themselves. I'm calling it a pack run for lack of better words, and I will now explain the rules of the run! To avoid complications, the starting population will be exempt from a good portion of these rules.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Keahiri: Troubleshooting and a Fresh Start

I'm gonna be honest with you. The quality of this particular run has really declined over time, and I'm aware of this. As time went on, it got to the point where there were so many norns that nothing really happened ever in the main population, and the jungle population moved too fast. So, I'm going to make some changes in the hopes that I can salvage this run.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Keahiri: Lost Bloodlines (Sort Of)

It's been a while since I last updated Keahiri, so I thought I'd give that a go. I might not be continuing Tionia, at least not in the same way. I thought of ways I could better execute that idea, so expect to see something similar at some point!

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Tionia: Doomed to Extinction

Okay, we're back with this! The Fallow group is easily the most spread out, with each norn a good distance from it's groupmates. This boy is the only one who has remained on the ground floor!

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Tionia: Speciation Experiment

This particular run is a little different to the others I've done in the past. There's no gimmick to it, it's pretty much just a wolfling/feral run. In it, I'm going to be starting out with a couple of separate populations in the C2toDS metaroom. I'm using that room because there's plenty of different environments that aren't separated by doors, and there are actually temperatures. I mostly want to see how different populations can emerge in this type of setting, so hopefully that goes decently.

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Astralis: The Troubles of Gengineering

Sorry I took a while to make another post, I'll try to be more regular in the future. Sorana seems to have inherited Corusca's anger related genes, as she is currently angrily attempting to eat this bird. She also discovered the bell, which I genuinely thought was a background item and so was very startled by it's toll.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Astralis: Young Murderess

When we left off last time, Blaze was showing some strange behaviour. So I have decided to inject the health bar and x-ray in an attempt to find what is wrong with her. If I can't figure it out, I will likely just let her go.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Keahiri: Nightchime Takeover

It's been quite a while since I've touched this world as the past two updates were scheduled, so please forgive me if I forget what's going on sometimes! I do remember that the Ribbonhearts are taking over the jungle and we finally got a beta male though.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Astralis: Love and Birth

The girls are starting to get scores now, which should mean there will be some new additions to the world soon! I've found that with the Hera script, it's hard to end up with overpopulation as pregnancies aren't happening every two seconds like with a regular world, which is always good. This means that I should be able to focus on everyone to some extent!

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Astralis: Hera Run

With all the Hera runs being done lately, like Pappus Cafe's Applewood Fields and Vermidia's community run over on Creatures Caves, I thought I'd try one myself! I've had a few worlds with this script before, but I never got particularly invested in them. For those who aren't familiar with the Hera script, it's an agent made by Amaikokonut that makes all eggs hatch female, exports all male creatures, and randomly impregnates females based on scores that all creatures receive when they reach the youth stage. It can be found here! The run will be taking place in the C1toDS metaroom, but I'm removing the fridge and fixing that temple boundary bug.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Keahiri: Exasperation Station

Things have been rather slow in the main population lately. The main thing that's happened there is Lyra beating up Cirnah and Lavender beating up Lyra. Which is why I haven't focused much on them lately. Sorry about that!

Thursday, 4 January 2018

Keahiri: Family Bonds

Well, that last update was a disaster. Hopefully things pick up this time! Also, I hope we get a beta male soon because currently there is no one to succeed Cirnah and Aquila. Literally any healthy children would be welcome at this point. Seriously.